We believe that juror misconduct is the best kept secret by our criminal justice system. The State does not want you to know that finding a biased juror means your verdict is suspect. Our Constitution guarantees anyone accused of a crime, the right to a fair trial, by an impartial jury. If the jury was tainted, by a juror with an anti-Defendant or pro-State agenda, then in most states, a new trial is warranted.

Those who lose at trial believe it was because the judge did not adhere to the law, or the prosecutor fabricated evidence and testimony, or because the witnesses lied on the stand, or their defense attorney did not defend them, and so on. While some or all of that may be true, at the end of their trial, it was the jury who decided their guilt.

In our experience, it only takes one biased juror to put a person in prison, but it takes an Army to bring that person HOME! That is why we team up with our clients, their friends and family, their attorneys, and private investigators, to give them the best possible chance of success in future court proceedings.

Investigating Martin Peterson’s jury and uncovering juror misconduct is what led to him giving back a “Life Without the Chance of Parole” sentence. On July 28, 2016 he came home, and that is why Covert Ops Jury Investigations, LLC exists. Our heartfelt desire is to give all those wrongfully convicted, a chance to be reunited, with those they love, on THIS side of the fences!

We have completed 96 investigations, and uncovered at least 1 biased juror on every jury. We are 100% successful because we do not stop searching, until we find that biased juror. We are painfully aware that people lie, to get on juries. Was their intent to execute vigilante justice? To feel important? Did they have a connection to the case? Were they there to ensure a win for the State? We believe some or all of those play a part in their decision to lie. I still find it shocking, because it’s a third-degree felony to lie to the Court, and I am told by defense attorneys that the one question they are asked most is, “How can I get out of jury duty?”


That’s where we come in!

We investigate the jurors who arrived at the “guilty” verdict, to make sure they told the truth when they were being considered for the jury. It is our opinion that if a juror intentionally lies during voir dire, they are biased in some way - either in favor of the State or against the Defendant. Either way, the accused did not receive a fair trial by an impartial jury, which is guaranteed to all of us in the Constitution. We are not a licensed private investigation company, nor are we licensed private investigators or attorneys, but we work closely with them, to help ensure the best possible chance of success for our clients, in future court proceedings.

To find the biased jurors, we search hundreds of public records, looking for information that indicates they intentionally concealed their true self during the voir dire, to improve their chances of being selected for the jury. We research the jurors, their family and friends, and everyone associated with the case (accusers/victims and their friends/family, law enforcement, witnesses, all courtroom personnel, etc.). To our knowledge, we are the only company who performs this unique service. Our mission is to find potential juror bias, so you can get back in the courtHOUSE, and have a second chance to be free again!

PRAISE GOD, we are thrilled to say that in addition to Martin being home, there are two men and one woman home on Bond, pending their appeals, and Ravis Williams is now home, too! His case is in Hillsborough County, Florida, he was serving a “life” sentence, and his attorney is Bryan Savy (who also negotiated Martin’s freedom). We have over 60 cases re-opened and fighting their way through the courts, so we expect to announce another person is HOME any day!

Want us to find out if any of your jurors were guilty of misconduct? Click here!