From Attorneys & Clients:

“I  greatly, appreciate this thorough investigation that you and your team has craftly conducted.  Because of your hard work and relentless efforts I trust this newly discovered evidence will show gross misconduct on the juror’s part. I trust this information will  be substantial enough, for the attorney to expeditiously get my son back into court; and ultimately back HOME. I look forward, to hearing from our new attorney soon.  Mary Rose, again  I would be remiss if I didn't say that my family and I will always be indebted to you.  GOD shall always Bless You.”

n.f., Florida

“MaryRose, I have to tell you - of all the cases that I have seen you investigate, reading your report for Chris had me so excited that I am up at 1am working on the motion. I’m not sure how much his mom told you, but he was one of my first clients and ended up becoming one of my favorites, and a dear friend. I have spent so many days and nights distraught with the thought I couldn’t do anything else for him and you have proven to be a magician once again, giving me the chance I so desperately wished for. I will send the drafted motion sometime this week! You are the meaning of ‘not all heroes wear capes.’ Thank you for all you've done and continue to do.”

Attorney Rachael Reese, Florida

“We found out today that our last appeal has been denied. Normally I would be devastated by this, but because of Mary, we have hope. We are now going to move onto the 11.07 hearing where all our jury misconduct will be submitted into evidence. Our attorney is really excited about everything Mary (and the JI Team) found. Couldn’t have done it without her!”


“I want to thank you for doing an amazing job before and during the hearing. I can't tell you how much it means to me and my family that you flew down here and presented your information to the court. You have done so much and fought for us since day one. I think after speaking with the prosecution you see exactly what kind of people we have been fighting. They will lie about, cherry pick and manipulate everything they can to win a case, truth be damned! You were very professional and showed more patience and grace than i could have. Thank you again.”


“We want to thank MaryRose and her team for all the hard work, time and most importantly the care they put into researching the juror misconduct on our son’s case. MaryRose took the time to explain the process and to answer all of our questions. The information that MaryRose and team found hopefully will be bringing our son home soon. We are so glad that we had MaryRose and her team working to free our son. God bless!!”


“MaryRose, I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know how grateful we are to you. I don't know the final outcome of this investigation, but we all appreciate your hard work and willingness to talk to us. I know we ask a lot of questions. We always leave our conversations feeling encouraged. Thank you so much. We don't have much of that in our lives, at this point. Thank you!"

E.S., texas

“Covert Ops BOOT CAMP is for anyone who has a loved one who is incarcerated, or for advocates who are working on behalf of an incarcerated individual. The knowledge gained by going through the training arms you with the tools and techniques needed, to search for and identify juror misconduct (bias). The step by step training materials are clear, concise and easy to follow. The Jury Investigations Team (JI Team) coached us through roadblocks, and also helped us avoid pitfalls.  The  JI Team shared their lessons learned, saving us from spending a lot of time reinventing the wheel. Keep in mind, to find juror misconduct requires investigative work, meaning it can be time consuming and very, very tedious. What is the payoff of the hard work?  Finding that one piece of information, showing a juror withheld his or her bias during the jury selection process, opens the door for your friend or loved one to get back into court.  Getting back into court means a new trial can be considered. Your hard work and perseverance opens the door for someone to COME HOME!”

A.F., Washington

“MaryRose and team did an outstanding job on finding juror misconduct in my husbands case! His case is 23 yrs old! After months of researching, we’ve finally secured an attorney here in Florida who not only agreed to pursue the misconduct issue, but thought the entire case should be reviewed again! I’m so excited to see the outcome. When I first heard of what the JI team does, I was so skeptical and thought it wasn’t real. But after continuous dialogue with the team, I felt I could trust their work. I could not have been more pleased with the outcome! As we progress in our efforts to free my husband, I will continue to encourage any and all of you who are not sure, to just take a leap of faith! It’s well worth every$, time and effort.”


"Good evening MaryRose. Just wanted to let you know I am finally gonna meet with the attorney. Spoke to her on the phone this morning and she raved what a great job you and your team did uncovering the juror misconduct evidence. She also said they probably won’t do another trial - the prosecutor is no longer with Pierce County. We are so excited. Just wanted to tell you.”


“My father was wrongfully convicted in 2012. He was sentenced to 119 years. We hired multiple appellant attorneys that got us nothing but denials. After hiring MaryRose and Martin, within a few short weeks they found new information on a juror and our judge that will get us back in court. Our new attorney was surprised at everything they put together and said it was point on!!! My dad will be coming home soon!! I thank God everyday for what they are doing!! We love y’all!!”


“Just want to take a moment to say how wonderful this program (Covert Ops BOOT CAMP) is and thank MaryRose Peterson. She has brought hope back into our lives. I gotta say that I was skeptical at first, but everything she's said has been true. She fights for our loved one's and truly cares about our cases. She's amazing at follow up and keeping us motivated. She doesn't miss a single detail. I am so grateful for her continued support and encourage everyone to go through this program. I don't have a lot of $ and I had to save up for it, but I can't describe how invaluable she's been. If I had known what I know now, I would've found a way to sign up sooner. She's worth 10 times what she charges. She takes time to know and understand the variables. Mary is truly an angel handpicked by God to save my hubby. She's exactly what we've been praying for over the past few years. Until I took the plunge, I had no idea that the miracle I was asking for was right in front of me! Thank you Mary and praise God for bringing you into my life. I look forward to continuing to work with you.”

S.E., Texas

“I feel like I owe Mary my life! ️ I was wrongfully convicted in March of 2010 - framed by corrupt cops. Mary not only found the evidence of juror misconduct - lies/concealment, but what I learned from her also enabled me to research others involved in my case - which led to evidence I needed to prove that I was in fact framed. I cannot stress to people enough that if you're dealing with a wrongful conviction, you NEED Mary's service. The cost is worth every penny! What you may not realize is that once the evidence is obtained by Mary and her team, and that evidence is provided to an attorney, the process involving the courts then takes time. You can feel completely confident in Mary/Jury Investigations. I hope this helps you, because I find it difficult to put into words just how much Mary has done for me - my words are not enough…thank you, Mary! You're AWESOME! It's a BEAUTIFUL day!! Best investment you will make!! It's worth every penny!!”

L.B., PennsylvaniA

“We don’t know what we would have done with out y'all!!! A couple of weeks ago we had to make a choice - file now with what we have and take a chance or come up with more $$, file within the next six months and put more information in the opinion to be filed. We were discussing our options and this was our fathers reply.....'They can never fix or give me back what they have taken away from me, but if it means me staying here longer for them to keep this from happening to someone else, I will be ok.’ To the families out there still trying to figure it do what you have to, no matter what. Pray, pray and then pray some more…God will provide!”

C.J., Alabama

“We found out today that our last appeal has been denied. Normally I would be devastated by this, but because of Mary, we have hope. We are now going to move onto the 11.07 hearing where all our jury misconduct will be submitted into evidence. Our attorney is really excited about everything Mary (and the JI Team) found. Couldn't have done it without her!”

S.H., Texas

“It's amazing how God has taken the trials in both of your lives and turned them into something so big it couldn't be imagined! I love watching God work in you and Martin's lives as you give hope to so many.”

T.J., Florida

“Thank you for giving the average person a fair shot against a very biased system! Anyone going against the system will lose unless someone like you is on their side. Thank you for making a change!”

K.S., Michigan

“If it wasn't for your help, we'd be wondering what we could do. Thank you and Martin!!!”

D.R., Ohio

“Before Mary took her gift and started using it to help other people, she helped me with my son’s case. She guided and taught me things I would have never thought of. She is definitely a true blessings and she knows her stuff.”


“I encourage you all to contact her and their team. They are sent by God to help families!”

N.H., Georgia